The Life of a Domestic Goddess

Happenings in my life and my thoughts of being a nutty mother of three spirited children. Art. Love. Good times and hard. In a nut through my eyes.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Cleaning Party

At approximately 1:00 in the afternoon I put on the "Fun Music" and was ready to get hot diggity down to clean the WHOLE house and partae while doing so.
Well, I got the entry way done. Even dusted the chandelier! Cleaned out the coat closet too!

But I got so darn tuckered out. I feel I need to take a rest to get going again. I sat down at the computer about 2:00 for my resting time. What is my problem!!!????

At least when you walk in the house, the first room you enter is clean!

Now off to the orthodontist and more cleaning. Then back to cracking the whip on these darn hooligans who think they can live in the house but not clean it!

I wish a had a house cleaner to assist me. Just even to work beside me to keep me focused!

Cleaning party anyone?

Monday, January 4, 2010

Dog vs. dogs

Meet Plateau.
She is my brother Nick's sweet guide dog.

She has a strict regimen that normal dogs would shutter at. Plateau eats, goes to the bathroom , plays and socializes at specific times in the day. When she is in harness, one cannot talk to her or touch her because she is working. She also has a sensitive stomach so Nick does not stray from her normal food for that reason.

Well, on the eve of December 30, 2009 I had a wiener dog roast in my fireplace. My sister's family dined with us as did Nick. Where Nick goes, so does Plateau.

I was busy with small children as they held multiple sharp implements in front of the open fire and Camille (my sister) was near. Now during the chaos we were also watching an old mystery
movie that of course you have to pay attention to all the details.

Needless to say some details in our immediate surroundings went unnoticed. Danny,
(my husband), came and set two packages worth of "dogs" on the low coffee table. Quickly we impaled them on the roaster things and went back to keeping the children from being stabbed or being on fire as well as watching the movie.

We were so involved in the above three mentioned that Plateau ALMOST got a way with highway robbery! I say "almost" because as the 14th "dog" went into her mouth, we heard the plate make loud a clatter!

It all happened so fast! We turned our backs for a moment and as a result, no more dinner for us!

Nick had a hard time believing Plateau ate all that. He kept on waiting for her to get sick but she never did. That is a good thing!

We did enjoy s'mores tho.

Lesson learned?...
Do not put food (especially meat products!) at mouth level of dogs!